Tasmanian coastline

I've been surprised and amazed at the rock formations around the coast of Tasmania. Both the larger variety and the smaller which has incredible detail and shape. A few samples...

Close to the mouth of the Arthur River. Plenty of beach areas to walk and explore.

One of my favourites from the Arthur River area. A kind of hobbitland on the coast. Late afternoon with an incoming tide.

Not being a palaeontologist, I can't speak about their formation but its certainly a work of art.

Not being a palaeontologist, I can't speak about their formation but its certainly a work of art.

Bay of Fires

Around the shoreline at Stanley.

A "Day that earth was formed" shot. Arthur River area.

A lovely spot close to home - Gordon, Tas.

Water retreating along channel - Arthur River

Huge variety of shells washed up at Randalls Bay

Old man or Buddha?

Fossil Cove was one of the first places I visited on the east coast near Kettering. Incredibly detailed and coloured formations by the water. 

Timing is everything. Tide is out, revealing the sandbar ridges.

Timing is everything. Tide is out, revealing the sandbar ridges.

Gordon - shoreline. Taken with iPhone.