Hasselblad lenses on Nikon D800E

I mentioned how I replaced my broken Nikon 24-70mm lens with a bunch of manual focus Hasselblad (Zeiss) lenses. Even though I'm restricted to manually focusing I'd have to say I'm happy with the trade off given the quality of the Zeiss glass. Build quality is excellent with all four lenses and the tilt/shift capability is a plus whether for architectural shooting or stitched panoramas. The following is a list of equipment I've been using:

Distagon 4/40 T*

Distagon 3.5/60mm T*

Distagon Makro-Planar 4/120mm T*

Sonnar 4/180mm T*

Extension tube 35mm

Really Right Stuff Carbon Fibre Tripod

Markins Q20 Ballhead

Selens Variable ND Filter

A noticeable limitation of the manual focusing lenses which really needs to be considered is the ability to focus them in low light. A technique that helps in this is to open the aperture fully, allowing viewing of the subject in maximum light allowed by the conditions, then stopping down if necessary. Another 'assist' in this is to bring another light source to help focus.

Before buying the Zeiss lenses I searched for images taken by each of the lenses in addition to reading reviews. There's not many available unfortunately. Nearly all images posted here will be from one or the other of the above lenses. In most cases I found it a little (well, a lot really) troublesome to record the detail of f-stop or even which focal length was used for each image. I have listed details like this before but that info was readily available through the exif data where manual lenses have no such info.

Large mushrooms growing at the base of a tree trunk

Colour rendition is another reason I love the Hasselblad lenses. Its more pleasing to my eye. I have yet to enjoy its translation into print.