Occasionally I'll go through old folders from trips and find images I didn't notice much the first time around. The reason I missed those being they didn't conform at the time to some preconceived notion I had. I was looking for a certain 'type' of image. Maybe colour or texture even subtle things like exposure might guide me to an image that will process into a final result I had envisaged. The choice could also be influenced by previous choices and had to conform to those parameters. Whatever the reason, some images are always overlooked and so its always worth going back to rediscover them. This shot was taken at Coutta Rocks, Tasmania. My previous blog posts reflect a small obsession with rocks. These were by the shore and in the original colour RAW file the rocks almost merge with the water. I kept the low contrast look till the final jpg which is here. In this version the rock features become more noticeable.
*Edit: Another image from the same area. Something resembling a T-Rex skull emerging from the sand. A black & white treatment would be appropriate and perhaps even more effective but I also like the colour version.